“Amazing learning opportunities and experiences with innovative products and technologies ”

AudiologyNOW! 2017

AudiologyNOW! is the world’s largest gathering of, by, and for audiologists.

“Amazing learning opportunities and experiences with innovative products and technologies ”

This year’s conference takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana, the “crossroadsof America!”, from 5 to 8 April. Program Committee Chair Dr. Rebekah F. Cunningham discussedwith Audiology Worldnews about some of the main highlights of the event.

Mottos like “Steer with success”,“Experience the magic” and this year’s“Connect, Reconnect, and Innovate”are quite a distinctive mark of yourgatherings. Please, tell us more on this year’s invitationto connect, reconnect and innovate.

AudiologyNOW! is the perfect opportunity to reconnectwith friends and colleagues, and to connect with newaudiologists, experiences and products . The conventioncenter is also conveniently connected to most of the hotelsvia skyways, and the layout of the convention centermakes it easy to find the meeting rooms, restaurants,and entertainment options. It isalso easy to connect you and yourfriends and colleagues to all theamazing things Indianapolis hasto offer! AudiologyNOW! providesamazing learning opportunities andexperiences with innovative productsand technologies in the field.

Besides lectures and other“formal” events, you’re offering abunch of “informal” or alternativeactivities like sunrise yoga,running/walking, picnics andbaseball games. Are you givingmore space to the “mix andmingle” approach to increasenetworking?

Absolutely. The “mix and mingle”activities are designed to support our “Connect, Reconnect,and Innovate” motto this year at AudiologyNOW! We areaware that it is the conversations that occur in the hallwaysor in the exhibit space, the events, and even the night clubs,which provide immeasurable opportunities for professionalgrowth and personal connections. The collegiality and camaraderie that occurs outside of the formal educationalsessions at AudiologyNOW! might be, in fact, the best partof the conference. We are looking forward to providingmore fun and informal events this year to allow attendeesto unwind and connect or reconnect with colleagues in afriendly and fun setting.

What is this year’s representation of the different product families on the exhibit hall? Have you noticed any evolution –for example,has the presence of technological start-ups or relatedservices increased? Also, where do they come fromgeographically?

Over the past decade, the emergenceof online learning, or access toelectronic journals, or the opportunityto interact with experts in real timehas expanded our opportunities forlearning and acquiring new skillsand knowledge. With that increasingdemand for instant experiencescomes a greater presence in technicalstartups, both online and in person.Today, the options for learning are vastand typically instant. At AudiologyNOW,attendees have the opportunity tomeet with a myriad of exhibitors toexperience their newest productsand technological developments –instantly!

Our exhibitors represent companies,organizations and services that are based within both thecontinental United States and countries from around theworld. As the global economy continues to grow, so too doesthe global representation in our exhibit hall. Our industry isinundated with technological progress, and there are nosigns that it is slowing down.

AudiologyNOW! website

Photo: American Academy of Audiology


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